Title IX Resources

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+ General

  • A resource guide (in PDF format) regarding the new Title IX revisions was recently released for Harvard students. The guide is a useful example of how institutions/organizations could inform students about the Title IX changes: Title-IX-info-Resources.pdf

+ For Institutions and Allies

  • Apply for an in-depth summer training on the new Title IX rules, with intensives available on June 13th, 18th, and 24th, here.

+ For Survivors

  • National Sexual Assault hotline:**1-800-656-4673** and live chat here.
  • Check out your school’s website or student newspaper archives for more information on how your university will be responding.

+ Statements of Support from Institutional Leaders

  • National Alliance to End Sexual Violence statement
  • Victim’s Rights Law Center statement on implementation

+ COVID-19 and Title IX

Equal Rights Advocates Coronavirus and Title IX - Info for Students

University protocol varies school to school, but most universities are keeping their Title IX offices open during this time and proceeding remotely with investigations, including Zoom or Skype hearings. Princeton and Harvard are two such institutions. However, some university processes require live hearings with cross examination due to a 2018 court ruling affecting schools in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee, which is holding up cases at some schools in these states.